Saturday, February 23, 2008

Evening with the Baby

Motherhood by Mommy

Just learnt from Mei that breastfeeding mothers are blessed with prolactin that will slumber crying babies easily. And that is what i have been doing every night for the past weeks, drugging my precious with some natural “sleeping stimulant”. I must admit that I couldn’t endure letting her cry to her sleep, the traumatic independent training program has been called off, to the baby’s advantage, and for my peace of mind.

Anyway, the baby is still fussy every night. It has become her routine and maybe a habit to her. Since i can’t make her stop fussing by reasoning it out with her, neither could i discipline her with a rod, i have to work around it and do it her way. Comfort nursing is the answer to my call.

Every evening, I will dash into the bathroom for a really quick shower. Extra time in the bathroom is an extravagance, the baby is going to cry in any minute. Evening time equals nursing time. Having to nurse the baby spare me little time to do things i used to do. No more computer , no more afternoon naps, no more swimming…blah blah blah. Seems to miss out a lot. Multi tasking is not my forte, but i realized that i could read and it becomes a good time to catch up with my reading. Four session of 30minutes nursing allows me 2 good hours of reading. The rewards of breastfeeding does come in many forms.


有狗的天空 said...

hi Pui Pui here, found your blog via your msn.

Being a mother is not easy, this is an uneasy and learning period for new mama. Kanbateh !

PrincessZoe said...

Yes is never Easy!!! But i am real blessed to have Zoe arond ~ Thanks.

Do leave your words here as frequent!