Monday, January 7, 2008

Me and My cot

~~ present from Xiao Gu and San Shu.Thank you so much!

Please don't envy me.. don't you think my bed is nice?
Let me tell you about my bed..

I like being in my bed.The blankets and sheets are so warm

Sometimes I sleep with my music on.

Latex The Mattress is hypo-allergenic and breatheable,I am warm in any weathers.

While I lie and dream at night,The stars and moon are very bright.

Then I wake to the new morning look out my window to the lawn.I've got to get up as Mommy wanted me to,But the bed's as warm as a heated pool.

So I go back to sleep again, and I say "Don't worry, I'll wake up when It's time to rise "

When all the sky is clear and blue,And I should like so much to play,To have to go to bed by day?

~bb Zoe

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