Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sleepless Nights

Anti-Clock Nights by Mommy on Nov 23rd 07

Zoe has started going back to her non-sleep routine during the night again. She was awake from 2am till early morning at 5am. Not sure what's the reason; maybe her colic attack as usual. I have no idea what time cause i fell asleep while trying to put her to sleep. She was basically kicking and rubbing her face, or staring into empty space. When she is finally bored, then she will start with her cries until my hubby or i entertain her till fall asleep again.

The cycle continues until early morning and she is totally tired. I just got an update that she is still sleeping with small feeds in between and back to deep sleep..tonight i die la... how?!
I rang my mum in Miri , and having to call all my frens who is having lit baby. Without surprised, all of them facing the same problem. Ohh Dear... my baby decides to give me such headaches at time when i need my sleep so badly. Somehow, i am consider pretty lucky as i don't need to rush to work, nor meetings whole day, but a FULL TIME Mommy .. I am alone to handle Zoe and the maid will help with cooking and laundry. Sigh.. even so, i am extremely tired already. I wish one day i could still have an exultant mood after a few sleepless night like my hubby! He is fabulous!! I should give credit to him after all he taking good care of us and still rush back to office in the morning. ( How lucky i am !)

Today, I declare no more breastfeeding for Zoe anymore. As i am dead tired, and really lost my appetite.. just drank 2 cups of Protein and slept through the morning... My dearest gal... please please try to get back to the night routine, can? Mommy really need you to be good okie.

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